Thursday, April 12, 2007

Lacking the Drive.

I was at my GP this morning to have my blood work done. I totally love my GP, through all this she's been so empathetic and sweet. She really seems to care. As I went into her room she had this huge grin on her face.
"So you start IVF in May, are you excited?" she said. I think my response surprised her. It surprised me.
"No. Not a bit."
I'm tired of the whole trying to conceive thing and I know that this next step will be so difficult. The stages to go through knowing that it can all go wrong at any point. It seems to get a whole cycle completed is a feat in itself, now to hope for a pregnancy as well just seems too much. I have to think of a way to get fired up. I think starting in this mind set is a bad idea.

It seems a funny way to do things. The clinic give me a list of tests to get done. I go to the GP and she does them and I get a print out of the results and take them back to the clinic. This means my doctor isn't used to running these bloods. She had to nip out a few times to check details, how many phials, which ones went together etc. As she was out I looked at my notes on the screen....IVF commencing May. Now this may sound odd but to see it in text on the screen really freaked me out. Why I'm not sure, but it did. It's really happening.

I feel like such a newbie. I don't know anything. Someone asked why I was going straight to IVF and not IUI/injectables. I think it's my age (36). I have been through the pros and cons and ultimately it's our decision but the doctor seemed quite dismissive of the whole IUI thing. At most he said one try at it. I intend to read a lot and ask more questions at the pre treatment counselling in a couple of weeks.

So my husband, ah, the reluctant one. He still thinks we're being hasty. He reckons it'll all happen naturally after all there's not actually anything wrong with us!!!. I'm not saying he's wrong but do I really have time to wait and find out? Is it not an awful long time already? My 30s are rushing by. I can't keep waiting to see. He does kind of support me he just can't see the rush. He'll be there though. He's a good guy.

I mentioned this differing of opinions to my GP. She agreed with me that it's silly to wait any longer. Something quite obviously is wrong. She said the next couple of years can make all the difference, then she came out with a strange piece of advice. She said I should do IVF to have my first baby and then , when it's not so important presumably, just have the second naturally. You have to laugh. First baby! One would do me fine right now. It's kind of worrying that she sees IVF as a cure. Or perhaps she meant that I'll be so relaxed then that I'll be able to fall pregnant at the drop of a hat. She's normally so wise and lovely that I can't even be a little miffed.

Oh yea, I was saying to the reluctant husband how much I was not looking forward to getting on this particular wheel but I figure no one WANTS to do any of this. We just want the end result, right? Do you know what he said, I almost fell over. He said " I know what you mean. I'm not looking forward to all that driving"
The driving, hahahahahahahaha, the driving. I know, can't get my head around all that (40 mins each way) driving either!


ultimatejourney said...

Haha, that sounds like something my husband would say! He keeps complaining about the surgery he has to have, as though the IVF part is some sort of walk in the park. I'm like, hello? Do injections and egg retrievals mean anything to you?

If your situation is unexplained, the doctors may get more insight into what's going on by watching your eggs and his sperm interact in a petrie dish (as compared to a "blind" IUI attempt). It sounds sensible enough to move straight to IVF.

I know what you mean about one baby being just fine right now. I hope it all goes well.

Nicole said...

Husbands have a strange way of looking at things, don't they? You have all of our support out here though. We're all rooting for you!

Anonymous said...

Dear Carrie, the driving bit really made me snort. That sort of comment feels very familiar! Sometimes I felt that my husband on I were on different planets entirely when it came to treatments.

I hope you manage to get a bit more enthusiasm for your IVF cycle somehow, although the word "enthusiasm" feels all wrong here. And I don't mean to imply for a minute that your attitude will affect the outcome -- I don't believe that, after all I have seen -- but I do think a bit of hope or energy or whatever it is will help you through the process. It'll be a hard slog, emotionally and physically, but it offers the best chance of success.

Erin said...

Hey there,

We're kind of in the same boat - I'm skipping to IVF without doing IUI with injectibles, too and we get one more shot this month for a chance to do this naturally. I'm trying not to get too excited about that possibility, but you never know...

I wouldn't worry about not feeling "excited" about the IVF process. What's to get excited about? Shooting yourself up with every drug known to man? Wild hormonal mood swings? Frequent 40 minute drives? None of it sounds all that enticing, but you're right it's the end result we're doing it for, and, that we can get excited about! Good luck!!

Erin said...


I've added you to my list too, and look forward to checking in with you!


tipsymarie said...

Well, if you think about it, the worst part for him IS the driving. No horomones, surgery, walking on eggshells after transfer and the like. Hell, he even gets to masturbate the day of retrieval!
It really gets me mad thinking about it honestly.
I know it's hard on our husbands too, but . . .yeah. Mine would've said the same thing.

dmarie said...

Yep, my hubby would have said the same thing too. Actually, every time he goes in to have his count tested, he comes back with some crazy parking nightmare or the porn was too crappy story or the chair was uncomfortable or all there was was a bathroom stall story--blah, blah, blah!

Thalia said...

I think you're really smart to go straight to IVF. The chances with IUI are really poor, barely better than trying yourself in any one month. Go for it!

Baby Blues said...

We're moving up to IVF too after having a good heart-to-heart with Dr. N. After the talk, I asked my hubby, "So what do you think?". He just said, "I heard what I wanted to hear." And so it's a go.

I'm just frustrated with the low success rate of IUI. I'm looking forward to IVF. But damn I'm scared. It's just more investments involved. Good luck to us!

Mama Bear said...

First, thanks so much for your comment on my blog. It's so comforting to know there are others who really can empathize with all of our struggles!

Also--your response to the nurse made me laugh. I would have done the same thing. Excited is not the right word. Hopeful, maybe. I really hope everything goes smoothly for you!