Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Taking a Deep Breath

Tomorrow I'm off to London to visit my younger brother and his wife. And their new born daughter. It's going to be so difficult in some ways and yet I'm quite excited in another. The baby was born on Saturday and although I'm desperate to see her, it hurts.
I've also got some issues with my brother. We're normally fairly close. Whilst he doesn't know our exact history he certainly knows all about my miscarriage last January, how difficult I found things and how we've been trying for a family for a good while. I just can't get over how he broke the news of their (unexpected) pregnancy. He text me whilst I was at work ' How do you fancy being an auntie?' This was one week after we had suffered a chem pregnancy (though he didn't know that) but I can't get over it, I'm not sure I'll ever forget the feeling I got with that text .
Neither him or his wife have asked how we/I am since. Christmas was spent talking about their baby and plans. I KNOW I'm over sensitive but surely he could have recognized/acknowledged that this isn't easy?
The other part of this whole do that upsets/annoys/makes me want to scream is the rest of the family and their reactions. This is pure jealousy and I'm ashamed of feeling like this. My Mum and Gran had a conversation that went like this..... Well that's you a granny now. Yes, and that's you a great granny, it's nice isn't it? Etc and I was near bursting. Of course they are! Like they had to say it out loud, testing the sound of their new titles. The joy and pride in their obvious statements made it so difficult to smile. I was angry that they were so pleased. I was so upset that for them this is pure joy whilst for me it is tinged (saturated) with sadness. And why shouldn't they celebrate, of course they should. It's me who is in the wrong here. It doesn't make me feel good about myself.
Anyway that's a lot of conflicting emotions fighting it out in my head right now. I just hope it's a good trip.