Friday, November 30, 2007

Not So Much of the Over-responding

I had a feeling this cycle was doomed right from the scan that showed only six follicles. I had thoughts of cancelling but decided to go with it for a bit. As you know, a few more follies joined in and I felt a lot more happy.

At retrieval today I was hoping for about eight eggs. Not the biggest crop but I thought it would be ok. As it happens we only got five. 5. I'm so disappointed.

The embryologist was very sweet and said we're looking for quality here, not quantity. I know she's right but it stands to reason that more choice is best.

Of course some won't fertilise and then, out of any that (hopefully) do, some won't divide well. I'm not all that hopeful that we'll even get to transfer at all. Shit, this is tough.

I suppose it is all a learning curve. It did seem that I was at risk of over-stimulating. Seems quite funny now. We can change the protocol for next time.

Fertilisation report tomorrow morning. I'd love to be able to post a happier story soon. Please keep your fingers crossed that some of them make it.


christina(apronstrings) said...

oh carrie, i'm sorry. that does suck! of course, there are 1,000's of IVFer's who have gotten preggy with ONE egg, but I have to be honest, and well, 5 would bother me too.
although, it can still work. there's hope. and as we all know...hope is everything.
thinking of you.

Erin said...

Suckage. But try to stay a little positive. I had 6 and they are all pretty dicey, so there's lots to be hopeful for. I'll be thinking good thoughts for your fert report tomorrow.


Erin said...

they WERE dicey.

Geohde said...

I know that I'd worry too, with 5, but five is not all that bad. ANd it is true that quailty is the most important paramater.

ANd you are very right about the protocol modification, little tweaks can make a big difference.

Hoping for you,



Waiting Amy said...

I'm sorry Carrie, that is so frustrating. My first cycle I only had 8 follie, and only got 5 eggs. I remember how surprised and disappointed I was. But we did get 2 good looking embryo for transfer. (that cycle was neg, but more probably because of my egg issues).

Hang in there and I'll be sending lots of good thoughts for overachievers for fertilization!

Natalie said...

Gawd, that sucks. Cuz yea, quality IS what you want but it just feels like there's more opportunity for quality when there's also quantity. I'm thinking very good thoughts for you and hoping they all take or most take and they're grade A perfect.

I wish it could've been better just so you'd feel like at least one thing was easier on you:-(

Von said...

Quality is much better than quantity. My first retrevial I only got 5 and all were top quality.
With my second I only got 7 but again they were good quality.
It's not over yet. Let's see how your fertilisation went. It's all about crossing one bridge at a time. One bridge at a time.

CAM said...

Well, the doc is right. All you need and want is one good egg! What you can do now is keep positive and keep your body relaxed so that it is a stress free home!
Thanks so much for the comments on my blog. I am adding you to my readers list. And, you are right about the friends thing... sometimes people mean well, but they haven't walked in our shoes. YOu and I have had similar experiences with loss - I am hoping that you have a successful cylce.

olivegirl said...

Fingers crossed for you! I'll look for an update tomorrow.

Princesses in Muddy Puddles said...

Everything crossed for great fert rate and quality xo