Monday, July 23, 2007

7 Weeks 1 Day.

No heartbeat.

Doctor said it was all fine! I asked why there was no heartbeat then, he said he thought it might just be the angle. He didn't measure or freeze the screen or magnify it or anything and he was very abrupt with me and my questions. I am mad at myself. I should have been stronger and pressed him for measurements etc. but I didn't.

Next scan Friday. So we wait again.

I think we know what it means.


Erin said...

Hey Carrie, I can't even imagine how hard it will be to wait until Friday for another scan. I'll be thinking good thoughts for you!


dmarie said...

Oh Carrie--I'm sorry you have to wait. I hope so much that things turn out to be fine. I'm thinking of you a lot.

ultimatejourney said...

I'm sorry you have to wait again. I can't believe they weren't more careful with today's scan so you'd have more information. I'm thinking of you.

Dr. Grumbles said...

I am sorry about the grueling wait ahead of you.

tipsymarie said...

He's making you wait until FRIDAY? I am so sorry.

You are not in the best state emotionally, don't blame yourself for not pushing for more answers. It's your doctor's JOB and DUTY to explain to you what the ultrasound shows.

I fucking hate doctors like this.

Thinking of you hon.

Geohde said...

Shit Carrie.

That's so heart stoppingly stressful.

The bastards should have at least measured things so they could tell you the honest truth about whether your baby was *meant* to have a freaking heartbeat or not. It's the fetal pole more or less than 5mm (Y or N), is there, or isn't there a flickering pixel (HB) (Y or N).

Fucking cowards. Pardon my language, but I hate that sort of shit. They've done it because they figure it'll be clear in a week either way, and in the meantime you stew.


Again. Shit. I'm so vicariously angry for you. I hope your "Dr indifferent" just couldn't be bothered measuring things because it was too early and small, rather than whusing out on The Facts and that there's a healthy HB next week. I really do. Badly. Because you shouldn't be treated the way you just were.

Topcat said...

Oh fuck Carrie - what a prick of a doctor. Oh, I hope this week isn't too torturous for you. (Yeah right). I'm thinking of you, really hoping that everything is ok. xo

Natalie said...

Man alive, why do they put you through this? The guy could grow a sensitivity chip and think of what you've gone through and at least give you SOMETHING. I'll be thinking good thoughts for you, that Friday will turn out well.

JW said...

Oh Carrie, I'm so sorry you're being put through this uncertainty by that arse of a doctor! How does he expect you to wait?? I'll pray for your baby to be just fine on Friday. I'm thinking of you x

hammygirl said...

What a jackass! I'm so sorry.

Drowned Girl said...

What a way to behave! I am hoping it turns out OK. I've known 7w embryos wuth no clear hb, and it'sm Ok the week after.


Baby Blues said...

I'm so sorry Carrie. This is just cruel. Hang in there.

Tam said...

I am so sorry sweetie, my heart is aching for you. Praying that everything is okay next week, keeping you in my thoughts. Hugs xxx

Princesses in Muddy Puddles said...

Grr that idiot Dr. So sorry. Thinking of you and praying for good news on Friday.

Ann said...

Oh hon, I'm so sorry your scan didn't go as you hoped. I'm really hoping that the doctor didn't say much because he thinks it's still too early to panic.

Here's hoping you'll see what you want to see on Friday.

Unknown said...

I'm thinking of you and praying that all is good. Can you make an appointment with another doctor sooner?

Ms. Planner said...

Carrie, I am thinking of you and praying that everything turns out okay. I don't know much about measurements and heartbeats and such, but I think they need a really high powered u/s to see a heartbeat early on.

Beside the point, however, because the doctor was a COMPLETE c*cks*ucker. I want to hop on a plane Scotland and throttle him.

Don't be too hard on yourself, k? We are all here with you...

N7 said...

Hey- GIVE ME HIS PHONE NUMBER- He has to learn to be a little bit more sensitive to MOTHERS who are concerned with the well beings of their BABY. Don't be angry with yourself and say you should have or could have said something- The doctor should not have made you feel that way in the first place.

Geohde said...

Carrie, I don't have your email addy, so I'm going to post this on your blog.....

Hang in there. Really. Your dates may be a little out and/or if the scan was transabdominal (not transvaginal), that would all make a fair bit of difference as to whether a HB would be seen. Transabdo is later than TV.And a week is a big deal of time at early gestations.

I didn't mean to freak you out, I was just annoyed annoyed *annoyed* that your Dr did not take the time to establish whether you baby was viable or not. Or roughly how pregnant you were by measuring the baby. Because he/she could and should have, damnit.

I do so hope your next scan goes well, you deserve it.

If I can help out any way, feel free to email me



Marie-Baguette said...

I guess some doctors are abrupt because they think that will reassure women, when it drives us nuts!!!! I am sure everything is fine, otherwise, he would have told you. Just try to focus on the good things, I know it is hard, but please do try. You are pregnant. The doctor is monitoring you. Keeping my fingers crossed for you

Heather said...

Sorry you have to wait, but everything may be fine. Hang in there. Lots of hugs.

Mama Bear said...

Carrie, I'm so sorry you have to wait right now. And I really hope that it was just the angle.

Thinking of you and hoping for the best. Hang in there...

The Oneliner (Christina) said...

eeeck, good luck tomorrow. 7 wks is still early.

Nearlydawn said...

Geeze, I'm so sorry you are having to go through this wait! Could you call your OB/GYN and get in for a second opnion before next Friday?

It sounds like this DR might not know what they are doing with an US, or are just being insensitive, but damn I'd want to know more now.

I sure hope you are hanging in there. This must be hell. So sorry.